Style for Occasions
August 7, 2011
Improv Everywhere
For those of you who are disappointed you don’t get enough chances to wear evening clothes, I’ve got great news….
July 12, 2011
Photos Taken Backstage At The 1989 Oscars
This wonderful Flickr set of photos taken backstage at the 1989 Oscars by a photographer named Alan Light is a…
July 8, 2011
I’d Say This Is A Pretty Solid Example Of Too-long Pants, Wouldn’t You?
Bill sent us this wedding photo, which I’ve cropped to protect the guilty. I’d say this is a pretty solid…
July 8, 2011
PTO Reader Matt
PTO reader Matt writes: I just got married a few weeks ago. I was 100% clueless about what to wear…
June 15, 2011
Plan Ahead
Almost every week, I get an email that goes something like this: “I’ve got a (job interview / wedding /…
May 19, 2011
Let This Photograph Serve As A Warning To You
Let this photograph serve as a warning to you: when you wear “creative black tie,” this is what you look…
April 19, 2011
Controversy Is Brewing In The UK Over Outfits
Controversy is brewing in the UK over outfits. Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a press release, announcing that he…
March 29, 2011
It’s On Sale: Drakes Of London Checked Tie
Anybody getting married? £55 from £85 at Drakes
February 20, 2011
When Going To See A Big Name Orchestra, What Is Usually Appropriate Attire? Would A Pair Of Chinos,dress Shirt,tie,and Blue Blazer Cut It?
Generally speaking, black tie for openings, or white tie if you have it and it’s a big city and you’re…
February 17, 2011
Q And Answer: What Is Cocktail Attire?
Kyle writes: When one is instructed to wear cocktail attire, what is appropriate? Cocktail attire doesn’t have a strict definition…
January 26, 2011
You Don’t Need To Wear A Tuxedo If You’re Being Married
I’ve written extensively on the subject of weddings, but I’ve been getting more emails, so I’ll write it again. You…
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: What To Wear To A Funeral?
DTC asks: Funerals often get mentioned as a slam against the black suit. However, what is appropriate wear for a…